Over the years, I’ve given and received advice on what to look for when you first meet a guy. What’s equally as important, but not always discussed, is what are the warning signs that a guy probably isn’t worth your time. Since this has become the recent topic amongst my circle of friends, I’ve come… Continue reading »
The Golden Rule
Dear Nazzy, To wait or not to wait; that is the question. So how long do you wait before getting busy with someone new? Do you follow the 90 day rule? What if you’ve been friends for a year and a half and dated off and on and you get serious and start dating exclusively,… Continue reading »
He’s Just a Friend
Dear Nazzy, I have a male friend from work who I’ve know for about 4 years now. He’s like my best friend. He’s funny, considerate, and smart. Whenever I call him for something, he’s always there. If something breaks in my house, he’s rushed right over to fix it. I even talk to him about… Continue reading »
No short, short man
Dear Nazzy, I have a serious dilemma! After a string of sh#!!y relationships, I’ve finally met a wonderful man. He’s tall, handsome, caring, romantic. He’s really good with my two kids. (I have 2 boys age 13 and 15.) Everything was perfect until we slept together. I thought he was being respectful by trying to… Continue reading »
She wants that old thing back…
Dear Nazzy, A few years ago, I dated this guy (Let’s call him “Bob”) for a little over a year. We’d been friends since high school and started dating after I’d got out of a bad 3 year relationship with my daughter’s father. Me and Bob dated for over a year and things were good.… Continue reading »
Wife vs Wifey
Dear Nazzy, I’ve been in a relationship with a wonderful man for the past 4 months. Everything was going good, until he was MIA during the holidays. He never showed up for Christmas, he hardly answered his phone, and he would call back hours or days after I called him. When I pressed him for… Continue reading »
Put A Name On It
Dear Nazzy, I’ve been dating this guy for almost two months now. We met online and things clicked right away. We get along great, I’ve met his kids, and we spend almost every day together. The issue is that he refuses to acknowledge me as his girlfriend. He keeps telling me he doesn’t like titles… Continue reading »